The new vehicle is ment to be moved  by  an twin power.   The engine  (2  strokes, 4 strokes,  Diesel, GPL,  natural gas,  hydrogen) must be coupled with electrical battery propulsion.   – Room is provided for twin propulsion, including batteries.
The prototype of the UOVO has an engine 2 strokes,  2 cylinders, 250 cc.This means that it produces carbon bioxide (CO2)  in a quantity that is 20% of  that  produced by  a traditional car  of  1250 cc.
It is  therefore a great help in fighting the green-house effect.
In addition,  due to the very limited weight of the prototype (350 Kgs.),  the autonomy of the batteries propulsion will be more than doubled.
For parking, the UOVO needs a surface of:  2.80 sq.mts., as compared with the ab.  9 sq.mts.  required by a medium size traditional car, that needs also the space for opening the traditional doors. -         The above  means that,  if it would happen that in a town all vehicles be of the UOVO’s  type,  60 % of the parking space would remain empty.  
The  prototype of the  UOVO  does not use sophisticated  electronical  or  mechanical devices; therefore, the cost of its  mass  production  will be very contained.  Of course, the most sophisticated features can be added, if required by the market.
The estreme  functionality  and  safety  of the UOVO  are assured  by the  accuracy  of the basics  of the Vehicle’s  engeneering,  that also make it possible  for the UOVO to undergo the  “ELKE”  test almost without feeling it.
The  very limited weight of the UOVO  allows, also with double propulsion, to  reach  the ratio  transported weight/total weight  around  35% ,  i.e.: more than the double of most ecologic vehicles.
 This produces important savings  and reduces dependence on mineral fuels, highly pollutioning.

It comes naturally the question:  “How can a so conceived Vehicle  go so well, without the intervention of a trade mark known in the vehicle manufacturing ?”

For the answer, it is enough to see its performance through  a fashinating short videotape.
N.B.: all innovations of the vehicle are protected by the rights granted by the international Patent Laws


Via Paraguay, 12 - 00198 Roma (Italy) - tel/fax: 0039 06 8419080 - mobile: 0039 3394586778 

e-mail: bgvigano@libero.it

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